Jason surf, skate, snow and sandboards. |
Jason Ford
Santa Clarita - California - USA
Xwest Gear
Venomous Sandboards
Dr.Dune Speed Wax
At 6'3" and 200lbs. Jason Ford is possibly the biggest competitor on the the National Sandboard League circuit.
Being a fitness instructor Jason is one of the most muscular on the circuit as well. This 26 year old
has involved himself with board sports for 2 decades now so it is no surprise that he should find himself
sandboarding at national level. "I just love to board. Surf, snow, sand, it doesn't matter to me, I just love to do it!",
Jason tells those who ask him.
Sandboarding has a feel similar to snowboarding but unique in many ways. Often the dune faces we ride are steeper
than snow runs so you have to get use to extreme angles. Then it can be slower through the turns so you can't stay in
your turns as long. "I think sandboarding makes us better on snow because it forces us to ride the board with a
proper stance".
"Surfing had been my first choice since I lived so many years near the ocean but ever since I started
sandboarding I do that more than any of the others", Jason relates. Sure, when the surf is flat the dunes are still tall and
full. Of course, when the snow melts the sand remains year round, inviting all to take up their board and carve some dune.
But what about skate? Well let's just say, sand is more forgiving!
So how often does Jason get to the dunes? "Every chance I get!". Checking the schedule for the last 2 years it was pretty
obvious that every time Jason goes out sandboarding, (and I mean EVERY time), he gets televised, photographed or
interviewed for publication. We asked Jason why he's getting this kind of attention. "We don't plan it that way. It's just that
the media is taking so much interest in sandboarding right now that they keep coming out to us each time we go and since
I'm almost always there I get involved". Recently, Jason was featured in the Los Angeles Times and that drew the attention
of Sports Illustrated. An interview with the popular sports magazine soon followed.
So, what's next for Jason? "I'd like to compete for a few more years and then hopefully become an officer for the National
Sandboard League". Jason is well on his way to that goal even being the image that was used by the NSL for the official logo.
Tail grab at Dumont Dunes California. |
Sand Master Jam '99 |
Born in Tarzana, California Jason started skate boarding at an early age and soon became interested in surfing after moveing
to Simi Valley and quickly became addicted to the ride of the waves. For next 10 years Jason was in the water as much as possible.
Then in '89 Jason began snowboarding and again found his way to the slopes as often as he possibly could. After moving back to the
Mojave Desert from San Diego California Jason began to hear strange tales of a board sport that sounded too good to be true. "Zac
Dubel started telling me about this 'new' sport that was like snowboarding and surfing at the same time". Jason wasn't sure he believed
sandboarding was real. "I would go snow boarding with Zac and ask him about the dunes compared to the snow slopes we were riding".
Zac would tell me, "The dune is steeper than this! Warmer too". Jason's curiosity was at maximum intensity. "Then I met Sandboard
Magazine's, Lon Beale and he hooked me up with all the gear". From that point on it was all about carvin' dune. Jason has remained
active in this sport boarding at Dumont, Los Osos, Manhattan Beach, Poin. Magu, Pismo and Sand Mountain to name a few.
Jason has become one of the better known pilots in this sport in a relatively short amount of time. Perhaps you have seen him on
such programs as Fox Sports, Cnet's 'Cool Tec' and Pontiac Sunfire's TV commercials. If not, I'm sure you will as Jason is often a
favorite for TV and publications. So friends, take a tip from Jason Ford,"If you like surf, skate or snowboarding, you're going to love
sandboarding"! |
The Jason Ford photo gallery. |